Friday, 15 March 2013

7. What has to change conceptually in standard University theoretical physics, so as to be able to account for "free energy"

I copy paste here a published article in the proceedings of a University Conference on Innovation.




In this paper we outline the necessary conceptual changes, in fundamental university physics, so as to support the emerging invention of the energy of the future. We give also a short historic and epistemological review of the development of physics the last few centuries. 


1.      Introduction

The goal of the paper is to outline the successful perception of physical reality which will allow for a future, global, clean , safe and cheap energy. It is not the goal to introduce new quantitative equations or attempt a full and quantitative complete explanation of existing innovative inventions (of “free energy”).It is more conceptual and epistemological, which is useful also to find  our way among a great number of relevant inventions.

2. What is the energy of the future?

We define as energy of the future, energy which is

1.      Clean (from CO2 emissions)

2.      Fully Safe and not explosive or destructive.

3.      Of not very expensive and complicated technology (smart).

4.      Renewable

5.      Able to support continuously increasing or unexpected demand of power.


What is the current situation with the so called “free energy”? Here are the facts: This “free-energy” seems renewable, it is cheaper than oil, and it is clean.  There is an increasing number of genuine inventors from the 20 to the 21st century. There is almost absolute inability of the University Physics to account for these inventions (“they should not release extra energy according to the university physics” they say) There are many interpolation of fake inventions or frauds. There is failure sooner or later to create high profile, large scale commercialized products of it. Some inventors or relevant business become the victim of neo-nazi terrorism.

2.      The non-explanation explanations

Some attempted explanations of the “free-energy” devices are based on the “energy of the quantum vacuum”. It is known in elementary particle physics, that the energy is only in the average conserved. But here in the average it is not conserved, if accounted with the conventional physical reality concepts.

And even if it was conserved in the average, an explanation that this energy comes from the absolute quantum vacuum, that is from zero and nothingness , it is obviously a no-explanation.

What is not to trust in attempted explanations?

The previous “quantum vacuum” energy approaches and some other attempts with obscure twisting of existing concepts, have one common property: The try  to explain the measured extra energy, in "free energy"  devices without changing almost nothing in the rest of the conceptual system , equations and theories of physics.  I believe that this is an indication that the explanation is neither too much correct, neither comprehensive enough to account for almost all such devices.  It is an indication that the explanation should not be trusted, in the sense that it is not the one that will eventually change the face fundamental theoretical of physics.

3.      The glorious story of the atoms” in the science of physics

For at least half a century, chemists were writing H20 and H2SO4 etc but they did not accept the existence of …atoms. The theory of “phases” of matter (an extension of the 3 phases of solid, liquid and gaseous) was the theoretical University Status Quo. Much like the current theories of empty space-time and quantum vacuum.

Boltzmann had developed his statistical atomic theory of the gasses, but it was not an accepted theory.  The existence of atoms was accepted after a small paper by A. Einstein in 1905, which explained the Brownian motion, by the existence of atoms. With that he took the Nobel prize! And the Brownian motion was an experiment known since 1820…So it is not the experimental facts that were missing but the correct attitude and perception about the physical reality.

Here we have obviously a phenomenon of “delay” in the evolution of physics.

What we observe with the story of the atomic theories, till the final acceptance of the existence of atoms, is that there was a delay of at least 50 years.

 In this we do not include gifted individuals like I. Newton who in his private letters to his friends, he was claiming that he was absolutely sure that matter consists from atoms, already some centuries before 1905. Or the atomic theories of the ancient Greek philosophers Lefkipos and Democritous.

I think history is repeating with the “free-energy” devices, and I think that the main cause of such “delays” in the development in the science of physics are due to the complications of negative will towards evolution of the civilization.


4.      The 20th century approach about physical reality.

The 20th century concept of physical reality was (and in some extent still is) based on:

1) There is no finer physical reality of free, permanent particles smaller than the proton, neutron, electron. (the majority of quantum particles are not permanent and quarks are not free). Thus anything beyond the known is a quantum-vacuum. (Already a logical error: what you cannot trace as particles experimentally is not a proof that they do not exist as material reality, given that  you can trace it as a field with inertia and momentum).

2) Light is a particle (photon) and not a wave of a finer material reality. Nothing goes faster than photons

3) The quartet of classical atomic physics photon, neutron, electron, proton gives essentially all the known physical reality.

4) The physical reality is “one sheet” not  “many-sheets” or layers or frequencies (the frequency here being the average of the spin of protons, electrons, neutrons or more precisely the DeBroglie-Compton frequency).

Here we may observe that the current, quantum particle physics  is a dead-end

It is looking in the wrong space-time scale (atomic particles) Either it should concentrate on classical laboratory scale experiments (the smart approach) , or to a radically smaller space-time reality of particles (10^36 times smaller, the  advanced approach) and the latter the current earthly technology does not permit it.

It is using very  poor concepts, like wave-particle duality, light as photon-particle, nothing goes faster than light, empty-space-time, quantum vacuum etc.

The current quantum particle physics was designed to improve the nuclear weapons. Not to find new sources of clean, non-war-weapons ,energy. That is why it is also scientifically a dead end, as it is also morally a dead-end.

Seemingly success like the verification of Higgs mass-field in accelerators , or “negative-sign-dark-energy” between remote galaxies, are indicative of the inappropriateness  of the available concepts and may make an awakened physicist uncomfortable.


5.      A 2nd level of atoms and layer of material reality: A new perception of the physical reality.

It seems that a very comprehensive perception of the physical reality, is that the tree of creation of matter, from 3 permanent free particles (proton, neutron, electron) is repeated at a finer space-time scale and frequency (By frequency of the matter here we mean  the Compton-De Broglie frequency of the electrons of the matter see e.g. )

In other words we repeat this creation at a space-time scale 10^36 time smaller (about the comparison of a proton to the size of a star), and we substitute the quantum vacuum with a finer material reality created by micro-protons, micro-neutrons, and micro-electrons.

This is an instance of a leveled concept of atomicity of matter, and can be repeated more than twice that we suggest here.

As in the classical 1st story of the atoms it was the Brownian motion that was the proof that atoms exist, similarly the well known Shroendinger motion of particles like electrons etc, in the “vacuum” can be the proof of the existence of the 2nd micro-resolution reality atoms created by micro-electrons, micro-neutrons and micro-protons. Either we accept as proof or as it is well known we should have to abandon the principle of sufficient physical causes (as Von Neumann had remarked) for such random motions of electrons in the vacuum (where “nothing” waves them)

The approach of the future is expected to be the acceptance of :a 2nd frequency and micro-resolution material reality

So here is the anticipated evolution in the science of physics: Not a new cumbersome field of “empty-space-time” or quantum vacuum, that correct and unifies electromagnetism and gravitation, but this unification through the fluid dynamics of matter, of a finer material micro-resolution reality.

It is not a better field theory in the vacuum that we need, but to realize that we are dealing with a finer material reality, where the light is not a “particle” but a wave in the finer material reality, a non-linear wave, that in high frequencies it may behave as if a particle.

We do not accept energy , momentum and inertia as properties of the empty space or vacuum, or of field  (the field as non-matter)  in vacuum , but any energy, momentum and inertia are properties of  matter and not of vacuum or field in vacuum.

Table 1: Material reality of at least 2 layers-frequencies.

1st frequency material reality
(the average frequency of the  spin)

Creating  free-permanent triad
(proton, neutron, electron) and of course for anti-matter anti-triad

Periodic System
Yes. Known

Common wave

Common materiality
Solid objects, liquids, gases

Organic living configurations:
Yes Known Biology
2nd frequency material reality
(the average frequency of the  spin)

Creating free-permanent  triad of aetherons (maybe 10^36 times smaller that those of 1st frequency)
(micro-proton, micro-neutron, micro-electron) and of course for anti-matter anti-triad

Periodic System
Yes. Unknown

Common wave

Common materiality.
Electromagnetic , Gravitational fields

Organic living configurations:
Yes Unknown e.g. Human aetheric body.

Let us try now to discuss from where comes the so called “free energy”

The devices or inventions of the so called “free-energy” are so numerous and of increasing number, that it would be a surprise that almost all of them would have the same explanation in all the details.

Therefore any general qualitative not fully quantitative perspective of the source of their energy, should follow very broad and general concepts.

 So the suggested here general perspective is that, since there is not really quantum vacuum, or empty-space time, the source of this energy should be the various forms of energy of the 2nd frequency and resolution micro-physical reality, like e.g. heat, which  is the at least one next step of physical reality after that of protons, neutrons and electrons. In other words energy much relevant to the energy content of this that we call “fields” like gravitation and electromagnetism. And the reason of course that we cannot account so far for this energy is that we do not perceive the fields as a 2nd micro-resolution physical reality.Now it may turn out that this heat of the 2nd micro-resolution material reality (or classical fields) may be supported by the infrared solar radiation. That would not be strange at all, and it would turn the so called “free-energy” to indirect solar energy stored in the 2nd micro-resolution reality (and also potential of the new universal attraction).


6.      The current feasible attitude of the University Research

Repeat experiments of “free-energy” devices in University laboratories and validate the extraction of energy.No error, no deception. Do not yet attempt a full explanation to account for the appearing extra energy.

E.g. Tadahiko Mizuno (Hokkaido University) of excess  heat at high voltage-electrolysis of water, published  at the Japanese Journal of applied   physics (see e.g.

Some beliefs of modern physics that may turn out to be wrong.

1) The inertial mass of bodies ( of constant amount of molecular matter) at low  speed (non-relativistic) cannot be  decreased below the inertia of the rest mass.

2) All matter starts with protons, neutrons, electrons. In other words, there are not smaller free permanent particles (Quantum particles are excluded as they are not permanent or free)

3) Nothing goes faster than photons

4) All macroscopic electromagnetic interactions are described with the linear equations of Maxwell.

5) All forces acting on laboratory macroscopic objects at low speed (non-relativistic) are of the next 5 types a) Inertial, b) by contact with other material bodies made from protons, neutrons, electrons, c) Newtonian gravitation forces d) Maxwell's electromagnetic forces e) no other type of forces.

What is more likely the case

1) It is possible under special conditions to have radical decrease of the inertia of the rest mass of a body in slow motion

2) Aether is a 2nd material reality made from permanent particles of positive negative and neutral charge, transcendentally finer than protons-neutrons-electrons and the electromagnetic and gravitational field is aspects of the functions of aether.

3) To say than nothing goes faster than light in aether, is like saying than no airplane can go faster than the sound, in air.

4) The linear Maxwell equations of electromagnetism are correct only for a limited realm of experiments those discovered at the end of the 19th century, not all laboratory scale experiments that we now know. They need revision, and their correct version include parameters of gravitation too, and are non-linear.

5) Besides, inertial forces, classical electromagnetic forces and Newtonian and Einsteinian gravitational forces, and forces by contact of bodies,  exist also a 5th type of macroscopic laboratory scale forces on bodies from the rest of the gravitational field that we do not know. (In underground physics, this unknown field is called anti-gravity or the classical gravity is called aether-statics and this field, aether-dynamic field of the neutral aether)

Here we state 3 conjectures and keys for the further advancement of the fundamental physics towards, discovering a future clean , and cheaper renewable energy.
To simplify terms lets call aether, the gaseous 2nd-frequency matter , in the previous table. 

1)  The 1st ket to start understanding the mechanism behind the inverse square law of Newton, in universal attraction or gravitation is the identification: The Newtonian gravitational scalar potential φ is proportional to the   gaseous 2nd frequency matter temperature gasseous matter. 
Both the presence of matter and infrared solar radiation contribute to the creation of the above (aether) heat that in its turn creates gravity. But the factor of infrared solar radiation seems to be the major. 

2) The 2nd key is : The scalar electromagnetic potential a0 is proportional to the pressure of the non-neutral aether (or non-neutral gaseous 2nd frequency material density)

3) The 3rd key is:The vector electromagnetic potential A is proportional to the vector of momentum of the non-neutral aether ( or non-neutral gaseous 2nd frequency  material density).

7.      Epilogue

What is needed is an awakened attitude from the Scientifics of physics in the universities.

A systematic reproduction of the “free energy” devices in University laboratories Altruism and not private interests from the side of the inventors. Thorough critique of the existing theories of the classical fields of laboratory scale electromagnetism and Einstein’s gravitation.



References (indicative only of the history of physics.)

[Aspden,H]    a)Anti-gravity electronics  Electronic &Wireless WorldJanuary 1989  b)The theory of AntigravityPhysical Essays Volume 4,number 1  1991.`                                     

[Bohm D.-Vigier J.P.]     “Model of the causal interpretation of quantum theory in terms of a fluid with irregular fluctuations “Physical Review 96pp 208-216 (1954)

[Dirac P.A.M]                                                      Is there an eather?Proc.Roy.Soc. A.209 ,291 ,(1951)

 [Donald Reed] (addedd 2012)  Beltrami vector fields in Electrodynamics:                                                  A reason for re-eamining   The structural foundations of                                                                             classical  field physics?                                                   Modern Nonlinear Optics, Part 3, Second Edition: Advances                                                                             in Chemical Physics, Volume 119.                                                    Edited by Myron W. Evans. Series Editors: I. Prigogine and                                                                                       Stuart A. Rice.                                                     Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.                                                    ISBNs: 0-471-38932-3 (Hardback); 0-471-23149-5                                           

[Hayasaka,H.Tackeuchi S.]                                           Phys. Rev. Lett 63, 2701 (1989)

[ Itzycson ClaudeZuber Jean-Bernard]                                Quantum Field Theory
[Kyritsis Constantine 1998: The Lancaster Lecture.

[Lindemann , Peter D.Sc.]“The free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity” . Published by Clear Tech, Inc.PO Box 37 , Metaline Falls,WA 99153 (509) 446-2353.

[Lorentz. H. A.]                                                                           "Electromagnetic phenomena in a system moving with any velocity less than that of light"         Proceedings of the Academy of sciences if Amsterdam, 6, 1904

[Meyl Konstantin] Free energy in the Tesla towers and electromagnetic scalar waves
[Misner C.W.,Thorn K.SWheeler J.A.]   Gravitation                                                                 Freeman W.H.1973

[ Mizuno Tadahiko]                (Hokkaido University) Free energy from high voltage water electrolysis

Japanese Journal of applied   physics

[ Woods, L. C.]                                        The Thermodynamics of Fluid Systems Clarendon Press Oxford 1975.  

   We may mention here the findings of Tadahiko Mizuno (Hokkaido University) of             excess  heat at high voltage-electrolysis of water, published  at the Japanese Journal of applied   physics (see e.g. 

Saturday, 23 February 2013

6. The ...."history" of the age of Aquarius (2000-4000 A.D.) by Paul Amadeous Dienach

To set an example of a chorological estimation for the required time in global planetary evolution relevant not only to economics but also to all the principles and values in this Blog here is an example that covers all of the Aquarius Age of 2,000 years from 2,000 till 4,000 A.C. which is essentially a short description and variation of the visionary book by Paul Amadeous Dienach with title "The valley of the roses". 

2000-2300 A.D. Gradual resolution of the problems of overpopulation, ecological destruction, CO2 emissions and climate change, nutrition, tyranny brutal or subtle  and local wars. Through a new nobel prize in physics, the physical science discovers the equations of the unified aether-field (unification of electromagnetism, static gravitation, aethorodynamics or antigravity). It become also more clear that most of the energy of the gravitational field comes from the infrared  solar radiation.  In this way the old energy model with the CO2 emissions is substituted with a new from clean and cheap ubiquitous renewable energy.  Not only science can photograph now the aether , but also a large number of people have sufficient high frequency in their physical bodies, that can "switch to aether vision" with their naked physical eyes. The economic systems is gradually renormalized to more human, wise and really better intentions and implementations. People  gradually get free from the hastily race and slavery for financial survival, which does not leave time and energy for inner and spiritual self-development.  The massive carnivorous habits of humanity give place to a nutrition model closer to vegetarianism. The challenge here for the earthly civilization, is resolve the above difficulties as fast and as smooth as possible, avoiding a great scale war and disaster during 2000-2400 A.D.Also to avoid any early and on evil purpose World Government that would be essentially a tyranny, from visible or invisible powers, that does not reflect the real evolution of the  human consciousness, with the excuse of urgent planetary problems, problems that may have been accentuated  on purpose by the same powers.  

The extinct  "tyrannosaurs"  here are 
1) The banking system with the fractional reserve rule and the monetary system as we know it
2) The uncontrollable child mortality
3) The old energy model with the CO2 emissions
4) The irresponsible destruction of the physical environment. 

2300-2400 A.D. Final establishment of a Global Planetary Parliament which is elected by direct voting from all Nations and its members are not politicians of businessmen , but scientists, engineers and technocrats and humanitarian philanthropists. The money, the banking system , the enterprises, the stock exchanges and the monetary system as we know it do not exist anymore. Nevertheless a kind if vote-money is used and the private sector and National Governments are kept as a counter balance of the power of the Global Parliament so as not have totalitarian phenomena like than in the old Soviet Union. The private property in a limited way, still exists, the planetary resources are re-distributed, a minimal basic standard of living is established for free for all people. The publicly known and open contact and affiliations with other galactic or extra-galactic civilizations is in a common public awareness and subject to democratic voting. 

The extinct  "tyrannosaurs"  here are 
1) The dominance of the businessmen and politicians as the leading approach for the global planetary welfare. 
2) The pretented planetary isolation from the rest of the galactic civilizations
3) That any type of conflict or big change in the civilizations should be always only through a war.

2400-2600 A.D The great challenge here for the earthly civilization from 2400 to 2600 A.D. is to avoid a global  totalitarian system similar or softer to the case of the old Soviet Union, or even worse a global tyranny e.g. through a crypto-piracy over the Global Parliament from evil powers. At the end of 2600 A.C. the private sectors and the national governments are almost of no importance anymore, people have acquired a planetary  consciousness  and the functions of the elected Global Parliament by direct voting, are increased, without the overall power structure  being a totalitarian system. The transportation inside and around  the planet, takes place  mainly through aether propulsion , and flying discs.

The extinct  "tyrannosaurs"  here are 
1) The dominance of the private sector in social life
2) The dominance of any one only  national state as leader for the planetary welfare

2600-3400 A.D.  Although economic inequalities are almost non-existent there are still inequalities on the used level of technology. A large number of people have become telepathic in a natural way. Science has an unprecedented evolution. New truths are discovered about the interior of the earth, and its history going back  millions and billions of years. The  internal sun of the planet is discovered , and the large cavities from vegetation and animals of larger size than he corresponding of the surface of the planet. The first few cities in the interior of the earth are built. The medical science makes use less and less of drugs and pharmaceuticals and more and more of sound, color, light and meditation.  The people are still in spiritually weak and sluggish and continue to count the success of their life with the utilization of material possessions and technology. 

The extinct  "tyrannosaurs"  here are 

1) The "survival-race monster" in the life of the individual
2) The  "money standing" as the main factor and persuit in the individual's life

3400-4,000 A.D. The individuals acquire and develop  an unprecedented powerful spiritual ability that could be called Hyper-vision or Hyper-Intuition , that allows them the contact with the “Major spiritual light”, and “The Direct Knowledge” and gives them an stunning ability for powerful intentional clarity and creativity. A new Golden Age of the Civilization. Some of the  members of the Global Parliament are not anymore scientists or engineers but  Universal Creators”. In other words the synthesis in the same person of the talents and qualities of a Philosopher , Scientist, Artist, Mystic etc. During these centuries for the first time are created universal languages with alphabets that are 3-dimentional inner-vision-images, that are projected telepathically from mind to mind without external sound, writing, or internet. Science has by now discovered the inactivated and dormant DNA in the cell , it has being activated and restored, and the human DNA has now many more than two only strands, as it was initially. All in the society, not only the basics, are free, cloths, food, house, transportation, entertainment, scientific research, art-creativity, there is no  private property, the people are essentially vegetarian in nutrition habits , there is no animal slavery or zoos   etc. The science has now a glimpse of new transportation principles, that of "field gates" , that tranascend the flying discs technology. Especially as earthly people are informed about this transportation method by more advanced galactic civilizations. But although earthly science starts to have concepts about  it, they are far behind so as to apply it universally.   Those future people would seem naive to us, very sensitive , non-pretentious and without cunning ulterior motives in their relations while at the same time of elevated awareness. It is not possible to lie now to another man without being sensed. There are no material inequalities in the civilization. The only inequalities are of reputation,  honour, and public appraisal. People work not more than the current equivalent of two years in their entire life, and do not count their life long  success with material possessions but with the inner and outer spiritual self-development. Needless to say that the duration of the human life is remarkably longer, in an  undreamed way, compared to the duration of human life during e.g. the century 2000-2100 AD. 

The extinct  "tyrannosaurs"  here are 
1) The human intellectual inadequacy in the individuals life
2) The  indulgence to private interests, versus collective interests
3)  The "monster" of animal slavery and the opression  from humans to animals.

Of  course the above is simple an example of global time evolution. Personal or small groups time evolution may be different. The human history is full of examples of famous spiritual personalities like Pythagoras, Plato, Newton etc that although where in the present in their contemporary civilization, their spirits were far in the future . 

We may notice here a similarity pattern between he evolution of the age of Aquarius (2,000-4,000 A.D. and the age of Pisces 0-2000 A.D.) In the age of Pisces about at 4/20 of the age (4th century A.D. the Christian religion becomes formal and the official religion of the known world. It corresponds to the forecasting that about 4/20 of the age that is about 2400 A.D. the Global government is established on the planet. And as with the age of Pisces about at 16/20of the age  that is at the 17th century the enlightenment starts e.g. with I.Newton and the new sciences. Similarly for the age of Aquarius it is forecasted that by the 16/20 of the age that is at 3600 A.D. the hyper-vision is established on all humanity and a new enlightenment era starts. While for the age of Aquarius, in between 2400 A.D. to 3400 A.D. a kind of dark age is for humanity, exactly as it was in the age of Pisces, from 4th century A.D. till 1400 A.D. In short, the first (0%-25%) and last (0.75%-100%) parts of the age is from the side of light, while the middle part (25%-75%) is from the side of darkness! Both light and darkness seem to balance.

Friday, 22 February 2013

5. The planetary human being. The Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983) example.

A very brave and remarkably successful, for one only man, working for the resolution of the main issues of the current state of humanity and the planet was the  comprehensive anticipatory design scientist Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983). 
He was  very good example of the psychology of the planetary scale human being, in the service of the totality of humanity and the planet. 

He may be considered that he  introduced of a new science and discipline that may be called
Global Design for the prosperity of all humanity, and life on  the planet.

Buckminster Fuller was continuously pondering on the question 

What the little individual can do, that cannot be done by large nations, governments , financial institutions, secrete power organizations, and large enterprises? And in what the little individual would of greater virtue and value, to be helped by the invisible cosmic powers of nature and cosmic evolution, for a prosperous life on the planet in harmony with the universe?

Always the answer was hitting clear to his mind:

Truth, integrity, humility, good intentions for planetary and cosmic scale prosperity, and genuinely spontaneous inspired innovations, are some of the virtues and qualities of the little individual that the previous larger entities do not have in this civilizational contingency. For this reason the hopes of the Planet's prosperity and cosmic evolution are higher towards the little individual.

And when we speak of the integrity of the individual , we speak of that which life has taught the individual by direct experience, expressed with honesty and truth.

Some quotes by Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983)

Quotes by Buckminster Fuller in his book 
Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth (1963) 

  • Evolution consists of many great revolutionary events taking place quite independently of man's consciously attempting to bring them about. Man is very vain; he likes to feel that he is responsible for all the favorable things that happen, and he is innocent of all the unfavorable happenings. But all the larger evolutionary patternings seeming favorable or unfavorable to man's conditioned reflexing are transpiring transcendentally to any of man's conscious planning or contriving.

  • Our little Spaceship Earth is only eight thousand miles in diameter, which is almost a negligible dimension in the great vastness of space. . . . Spaceship Earth was so extraordinarily well invented and designed that to our knowledge humans have been on board it for two million years not even knowing that they were on board a ship.

  • Now there is one outstandingly important fact regarding Spaceship Earth, and that is that no instruction book came with it.

  • Synergy is the only word in our language that means behavior of whole systems unpredicted by the separately observed behaviors of any of the system's separate parts or any subassembly of the system's parts. There is nothing in the chemistry of a toenail that predicts the existence of a human being.

  • Universe is synergetic. Life is synergetic.

  • The Things to do are: the things that need doing, that you see need to be done, and that no one else seems to see need to be done.Then you will conceive your own way of doing that which needs to be done — that no one else has told you to do or how to do it. This will bring out the real you that often gets buried inside a character that has acquired a superficial array of behaviors induced or imposed by others on the individual.

Letter to "Micheal" (16 February 1970) Micheal was a 10 year old boy who had inquired in a letter as to whether Fuller was a "doer" or a "thinker".

  • Dare to be naive.

  • It is one of our most exciting discoveries that local discovery leads to a complex of further discoveries. Corollary to this we find that we no sooner get a problem solved than we are overwhelmed with a multiplicity of additional problems in a most beautiful payoff of heretofore unknown, previously unrecognized, and as-yet unsolved problems.

  • Each age is characterized by its own astronomical myriads of new, special-case experiences and problems to be stored in freshly born optimum capacity human brains — which stores in turn may disclose to human minds the presence of heretofore undiscovered, unsuspectedly existent eternal generalized principles.

  • The youth of humanity all around our planet are intuitively revolting from all sovereignties and political ideologies. The youth of Earth are moving intuitively toward an utterly classless, raceless, omnicooperative, omniworld humanity. Children freed of the ignorantly founded educational traditions and exposed only to their spontaneously summoned, computer-stored and -distributed outflow of reliable-opinion-purged, experimentally verified data, shall indeed lead society to its happy egress from all misinformedly conceived, fearfully and legally imposed, and physically enforced customs of yesterday. They can lead all humanity into omnisuccessful survival as well as entrance into an utterly new era of human experience in an as-yet and ever-will-be fundamentally mysterious Universe.

  • I am convinced that human continuance depends entirely upon: the intuitive wisdom of each and every individual . . . the individual's integrity of speaking and acting only on the individual's own within-self-intuited and reasoned initiative . . . the individual's never joining action with others as motivated only by crowd-engendered-emotionalism, or a sense of the crowd's power to overwhelm, or in fear of holding to the course indicated by one's own intellectual convictions.

  • Whether it is to be Utopia or Oblivion will be a touch-and-go relay race right up to the final moment. . . . Humanity is in ‘final exam’ as to whether or not it qualifies for continuance in Universe

  • The nearest each of us can come to God is by loving the truth.

  • It is the integrity of each individual human that is in final examination. On personal integrity hangs humanity's fate. You can deceive others, you can deceive your brain-self, but you can't deceive your mind-self — for mind deals only in the discovery of truth and the interrelationship of all truths. The cosmic laws with which mind deals are non-corruptible  Cosmic evolution is omniscient God comprehensively articulate.

  • The procedure we are pursuing is that of true democracy. Semi-democracy accepts the dictatorship of a majority in establishing its arbitrary, ergo, unnatural, laws. True democracy discovers by patient experiment and unanimous acknowledgement what the laws of nature or universe may be for the physical support and metaphysical satisfaction of the human intellect's function in universe.

  • Sum-totally, we find that the physical constituent of wealth-energy-cannot decrease and that the metaphysical constituent-know-how-can only increase. This is to say that every time we use our wealth it increases.

  • You may very appropriately want to ask me how we are going to resolve the ever-acceleratingly dangerous impasse of world-opposed politicians and ideological dogmas. I answer, it will be resolved by the computer.

  • While no politician or political system can ever afford to yield understandably and enthusiastically to their adversaries and opposers, all politicians can and will yield enthusiastically to the computers safe flight-controlling capabilities in bringing all of humanity in for a happy landing.

  • Take the initiative. Go to work, and above all co-operate and don't hold back on one another or try to gain at the expense of another. Any success in such lopsidedness will be increasingly short-lived. These are the synergetic rules that evolution is employing and trying to make clear to us. They are not man-made laws. They are the infinitely accommodative laws of the intellectual integrity governing universe.

  • Wealth is our organized capability to cope effectively with the environment in sustaining our healthy regeneration and decreasing both the physical and metaphysical restrictions of the forward days of our lives.

  • Quite clearly, our task is predominantly metaphysical, for it is how to get all of humanity to educate itself swiftly enough to generate spontaneous social behaviors that will avoid extinction.

  • All of humanity is in peril of extinction if each one of us does not dare, now and henceforth, always to tell only the truth, and all the truth, and to do so promptly — right now.

  • The effective decisions can only be made by the independently thinking and adequately informed human individuals and their telepathically intercommunicated wisdom--the wisdom of the majority of all such human individuals--qualifying for continuance in Universe as local cosmic problem-solvers--in love with the truth and in individually spontaneous self-commitment to absolute faith in the wisdom, integrity, and love of God, who seems to wish Earthian humans to survive.

  • I was convinced in 1927 that humanity's most fundamental survival problems could never be solved by politics.

  • I set about fifty-five years ago (1927) to see what a penniless, unknown human individual with a dependent wife and newborn child might be able to do effectively on behalf of all humanity...

  • I do not look upon human beings as good or bad. I don't think of my feet as a right foot and a wrong foot. ... I am a student of the effectiveness of the technological evolution in its all unexpected alterations of the preoccupations of humanity and in its all unexpected alterings of human behaviors and prospects.

  • I do know that technologically humanity now has the opportunity, for the first time in its history, to operate our planet in such a manner as to support and accommodate all humanity at a substantially more advanced standard of living than any humans have ever experienced.

  • Humanity is now experiencing history's most difficult evolutionary transformation

  • We are here as local information harvesters, local problem-solvers in support of the integrity of eternally regenerative Universe. The fact that we get away from physical problems doesn't mean we go away from problems. The problems are really rarely physical.

  • The courage to cooperate or initiate are based entirely on the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth as the divine mind within you tells you the truth is. It really does require a courage and a self-disciplining to go along with that truth.

  • One of my working assumptions which has been proven successful so often as seemingly to qualify it as a reliable tenet is that A problem adequately stated is a problem solved theoretically and immediately, and therefore subsequently to be solved, realistically. Others have probably stated the principle in many ways. The assumption is that the inevitability of a solution's realization is inherent in the interaction of human intellect and the constantly transformative evolution of physical universe. At first the, only subconsciously apprehended, approaching confluences of complex events make themselves known intuitively within the intellectual weather. Then comes a gradually awakening consciousness of the presence of new families of differentiating-out challenging concepts of every day prominence. It is with these randomly patterning families of separate concepts that evolution is about to deal integratively. As a now specific unitary problem it may be disposed of effectively when and if that unified problem becomes "adequately stated" and thereby comprehensibly solvable.

World Design Science Decade 1965-1975 Phase I (1965), Document 3 : Comprehensive Thinking, "Venus Proximity Day", p. 33